NEWS: SOM tells Fayemi to leave Oni out of her irritating tax

NEWS: SOM tells Fayemi to leave Oni out of her irritating tax
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Dr Kayode Fayemi’s attempt to blame the former governor of Ekiti State, Segun Oni, for his new tax policy has been regarded as ridiculous and shameful.

The Director of Media and Publicity, Segun Oni Movements, Jackson Adebayo, made this statement available to journalists in Ado Ekiti over the weekend.

The movement was aware of an attempt by the ruling All Progressives Congress government to join Segun Oni in adducing the reasons for imposing an additional tax on the people of the state in the name of the Ekiti State Land Use Charge, which is being resisted by the public, according to Adebayo.

To boost the state’s revenue, the state government recently began implementing a Land Use Charge, in which all landlords would pay set amounts on landed property on a yearly basis.

All residential and commercial property in Ado Ekiti metropolis and Ikere Ekiti, the state’s commercial hubs, is subject to the land use fee.

He accused the government of deliberately imposing this draconian tax on the people of the state in order to raise funds for the state’s upcoming governorship election, but he was met with widespread opposition from property owners who have already been overtaxed, whether or not they have comparable incomes.

According to the movement, in an attempt to ringle out of the protest the government decided to blackmail the then Segun Oni government of initiating the policy before he was removed.

Adebayo maintained that the APC government is becoming jittery as they are meeting brick walls in selling their candidates to the people of the state hence their desperation to blackmail Oni whom they consider to be their major problem in the race.

“We want to state categorically that at no time did Oni ever contemplated imposing any additional tax during his tenure talk less of such an unbearable tax like this,” he said.

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