ENTERTAINMENT: Harry Potter Star To Play Rebekah Vardy In ‘Wagatha Christie’ Drama

Harry Potter Star To Play Rebekah Vardy In ‘Wagatha Christie’ Drama
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Harry Potter Star To Play Rebekah Vardy In ‘Wagatha Christie’ Drama. Channel 4 has revealed the casting for their upcoming drama Vardy v Rooney: A Courtroom Drama, and we are so excited to see this one!

The series will be a dramatisation of the ‘Wagatha’ 2022 High Court battle that gripped the UK – and the cast looks seriously good. Harry Potter star Natalia Tena, who played Tonks in the beloved franchise, will play Rebekah Vardy, while This is England star Chanel Cresswell is set to play Coleen Rooney.

Meanwhile, Good Omens Michael Sheen plays Coleen’s barrister David Sheborne, and The Professor and the Madman star Simon Coury will play Rebekah’s barrister, Hugh Tomlinson QC.

Harry Potter Star To Play Rebekah Vardy In ‘Wagatha Christie’ Drama. As for the husbands, Wayne Rooney is set to be played by The Light in the Hall Dion Lloyd and Jamie Vardy is played by Marci Nagyszokolyai.

The official synopsis reads: “The two-part film recreates the high drama, high stakes High Court defamation case that followed, a case that had a huge impact on the lives of the two women at its heart and catapulted the two sparring legal teams into the spotlight, where much like Rooney and Vardy, their every move in the courtroom was dissected and scrutinised in the press.”

Back in July, it was confirmed that Rebekah Vardy had lost the High Court libel battle she brought against Coleen, wife of Wayne Rooney, over a viral social media post.

Coleen said in a statement that she was “pleased” the ruling went in her favour as she reiterated that the case should not have gone to court. She said: “It was not a case I ever sought or wanted. I never believed it should have gone to court at such expense in times of hardship for so many people when the money could have been far better spent helping others.”



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